Sunday, May 5, 2013

Killing cockroaches on the daily. No big deal.

Hi there! I cant believe it has only been a week since I e-mailed last! it was a very busy week indeed!  Well I am living in New Port Richey right now, but our area is called Hudson B and we are apart of the Hudson ward.
Mom before I forget, could you send me Travy's weekly e-mails? I can just print them off every week and read them later. or you could just copy and paste it into a dear elder and i could get it in the mail. gracias)
Well we have sprayed our apartment twice to try to get rid of the roaches, but they insist on staying. So we have decided this is most likely a permanent situation.....ah well.
This week has been so very humbling for many reasons. Not all are appropriate to share with everyone, nor do i have the time. We are so blessed to have the gopsel in our lives. I love this work and I love the people here in Florida.
We have 4 new investigators!
Pray for Dylan, Kat and Tim, Kristina, and Nicole! We have are meeting with all them this week! They are all so different and have such sweet spirits. The Lord has truly prepared them!! We are praying that they will continue to pray and read the BOM and that Satan will stay away from them!
Everyday is so busy out here! From when we wake up in the morning until we go to bed at night it is go, go, go. 
We are on car share with the Elders, meaning we have the car every other week and this week we will be on our bikes! here we go with this biking in a skirt and humidity adventure! Bring it on.
Mom dont worry the ward here feeds us really good gluten free food! They are so good to me! 
I am still getting used to the mission life, but I love it! Oh, tomorrow we have a Sisters conference with all the sisters in my mission! I am sooooo excited! I will get to see Sister Jessie Beck and Sister Miller! partay!!! And i mean that in the most religious way:)
Congrats to my sister-in-law for graduating!! and to her and Taft in finding a new apartment! 
Marcy- you better send me pictures of your prom!! Im sad I missed doing your hair and make up!! i love you all! My thoughts and prayers go out to all of you! Thanks for all the support, I am excited to share more stories soon!
                             Sister JaNae Fuller


JaNae and her Companion

ya my bike tire literally exploded...haha

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Adjusting to the Humidity of Florida

Family and Friends-
I dont know if I could have a crazier first day. We left the MTC on Monday at 4am and got to Tampa that afternoon. It was so sad to say goodbye to people from the MTC especially my good friend, Sister Miller. Or as my zone all said Seeeeter Miller. It felt like we knew each other way longer then 12 days and we became very good friends and are still writing each other! Monday night we had dinner and met with the President Summerhays. I love him and his wife. Tuesday-After shedding a few tears saying goodbye to Sister Miller, and having training from our president, we met our trainers and got assigned to our areas. My Trainers name is Sister Yardley. She is from Brigham City, and we are still trying to figure out how to fully enjoy each others company and work together. haha. but she is very kind. After getting my companion we found out that me and my comp would be WHITE WASHING an area. yikes. That is when we open a new area from scratch on the mission. We got dropped off to a different areas apartment because we didnt have one yet, the AP's gave us a cell phone, our luggage, and wished us good luck. We only had one bike between the 2 of us, so we started by walking to 3 miles to wal mart to get food. we figured that would be a good place to start. and dont worry, we prayed first. Oh ya, did i mention its humid here? haha yup. my hair will be in a bun or braid erryday. Tuesday- my bike came! its so pretty! Thanks mom and dad! my tube some how exploded, like literally. but i got a new one! Wednesday- we were able to meet some ward members and meet with the ward mission leader-he is so helpful and excited for missionary work! Thursday-we moved into our apartment.....ya, about that. smells identical to a casino and there are roaches EVERYWHERE!! shower, bathroom, couch, pantry...everywhere. we are trying to work with the landlord right now to get this taken care of. good news, there is air conditioning!  I lost track of the days now, but we have been meeting ward members and some less actives. because we are white waching, it is a slow process getting started!! Ah I am running out of e-mail time!
There is over 800 memebers in our ward and only 200 are actvie, so there is a lot of work to be done. most people in our ward have never seen sister missionaries in their life so they are excited to have us here! They identify me as, "the short one...ya thats Sister Fuller." classic. We love the ward and are excited to slowly be getting on our feet and start teaching more people about the gospel! The church is true people! I love you all!!!!!!

Sister Fuller
me and sister miller in the tampa airport

 sister miller, sister hansen, and I

me andrea and sister annemarie sloan
our reaction to the humidity

Daddy! I built a vacuum for our nasty apartment! you would be so proud of me:) i couldnt stop smiling as i was building it! haha

me saying goodbye to sister miller!!

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Tampa here we come!

JaNae flew to warmer weather in Tampa Florida early Monday morning (April 15). She was excited and sounded great!

Friday, April 12, 2013

First week---at the MTC

Hello Hello!! I am running out of time so this e-mail is going to be rather quick and a watered down version of the past week!

Right after getting dropped off we get our badges and then take our stuff to our bedroom and get put into class. devotionals, class, lunch breaks, bathroom breaks...that’s the MTC! We learn about teaching. We study the scriptures and Preach My Gospel. I love my teachers! (Brother Martin and Sister Pope.) They help me so much.

I have seen tons of marcys friends! Elder Money, Elder Nickle, Elder Chenney...and some others that im forgetting. i have also seen Chaz, AnneMarie, Miwako Farley, Carley Madsen, Johnny Harris, Chris Reynolds...and probably some others that i am forgetting.

I love the Elders and Sisters in my district. My companion is 5'11 and we are polar opposites of each other. I cant wait to send a picture, ya'll are going to get a good laugh.
Conference was great, loved it. that night the singing group "Vocal point" performed. When they sang "Be still my soul" I felt about a million times better about being here in the MTC. The spirit hit me so strong! Not going to lie, those first few days of being in the MTC were very rough, but I am feeling a thousand times better. thank heavens. and now I LOVE it here!

We fly out very early on Monday morning to go to Tampa. just like that! boom.

They have YUMMY gluten free food here..I love it…a little too much. Gluten free bagels, gluten free pasta, gluten free bread, gluten free cookies, gluten free cupcakes....all of you rolling your eyes and thinking this sound nasty, it is freakin good!! so yummy. I hear by support all those who eat gluten free, and clearly so does the Lord because of all the Gluten Free food options here at the MTC! haha

I saw Matt singing in the choir! yea!! Tell him good job;  They sounded incredible!

The clothing I packed for Florida wasn't too helpful to me this week with the snow and cold weather,..unfortunate.

I sat next to an elder last night at a devotional who had a Book of Mormon in a crazy language and asked him where he was going....Cambodia! Josh Hawkins is their teacher; I gave them a note to give to him. ( That’s my cousin for those of you wondering) I haven’t run into Josh Hawkins here yet, hopefully before I leave!

Today we went to the temple as a district! loved it! Ah, I wish I had more time to write! I love you all and will email from Florida!!

     Sister Fuller
The temple today with JaNae and some of her district and zone!

JaNae and her friend Annemarie

JaNae and Sister Whitmer- her companion! She is from springfield oregen and loves music and the gospel:)
old district leaders and coordinating sisters with new coordinating sisters and zone leaders
Sister Bishop- "A sister going to sacramento that helped me out so much when i was struggling"

Sunday, April 7, 2013

Dropping JaNae off at the MTC

Sister JaNae Fuller is now in the MTC! 
Saying goodbye was hard but she's going to be great!

Mom, Dad and JaNae
The Family

JaNae and Marcy


Monday, March 25, 2013

About 5 months ago, I received this pretty envelope in the mail. I was bummed that my report date wasn't until April 3rd, but time has flown by and I have already learned so much. Only 9 more days until I enter the Missionary Training Center and start this adventure. So excited to share the gospel and serve in Tampa!

 I will be allowed to e-mail every week and those e-mails will be posted here by my sister Marcy, or by my Mom. Just a heads up that the punctuation and grammar will be poor...not my forte. I am so blessed and excited for this opportunity!